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Ahelia Publishing was founded out of necessity. With an estimated 90% of Americans wanting to write a book, it is evident that more Traditional Publishing Companies are needed to keep up with the number of Talented Authors, which is why we exist! 


Starting as an Independent publisher, meaning we had fees and packages available, Ahelia soon decided that some of the best manuscripts may never be read because the author did not have thousands of dollars to invest in publishing. Therefore, we ditched our fees and became a Traditional company.  


We publish many genres, from children's books to women's devotionals. We welcome new authors as well as repeat authors. Another great feature we at Ahelia are so proud of is our marketing strategies. While many Publishing companies publish a book, they do not necessarily promote that book. We at Ahelia love doing both—there is little point in creating a fantastic book if nobody is going to know it's out there!



Hi! I am Kimm Reid—Founder and President of Ahelia Publishing, LLC. 


Years ago, I wrote a book and attempted to get it published. It was a painfully complex and lengthy process, so after years in the business, I decided it could be done much more efficiently for authors, while keeping the writers involved.


Some of the best manuscripts will never be read because it is too difficult—or too expensive—to find a good publisher. We want to change that, so here at Ahelia, we have made it much easier to "get published."




Hello! I am Patrick Williams—Co-Founder and CEO of Ahelia.


I owned a successful Printing Company for a number of years and believe words are powerful tools. However, if they are not presented properly and printed with excellence, they become muddied and unreadable.


There is little point in creating an incredible story if it can't be read due to printing, layout, or font problems. We are the conduit between the Author and the Reader and take great pride in presenting an impeccable final result that will be enticing to readers.

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